Books: Picture Picture books for children

She Caught the Light

Newton’s Rainbow

Vision of Beauty

A Voice of Her Own

The Librarian Who Measured the Earth

Two Bad Pilgrims


Marven of the Great North Woods

Poodle and Hound

Georgia Rises

One Beetle Too Many: The Extraordinary Adventures of Charles Darwin

John Muir: America’s First Environmentalist

Pirate Bob

Before I was Your Mother

Tumble Bunnies

The Man Who Made Time Travel

Humphrey, Albert, and the Flying Machine

Mommy’s Hands

Love That Baby
Lucille Camps In

Starring Lucille
Lucille’s Snowsuit

The Emperor’s Old Clothes

Science Fair Bunnies

Born in the Breezes

Show and Tell Bunnies

First Painter

Lunch Bunnies

Sophie and Rose

A Brilliant Streak: The Making of Mark Twain

She’s Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head!

The Gates of the Wind

Pond Year

Cloud Eyes

I Have an Aunt on Marlborough Street

Sea Swan

My Island Grandma:

I Have Four Names for My Grandfather

Tugboats Never Sleep
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