Blog Latest Updates from Kathryn Lasky

Wolf Research
People are often surprised when they find out how much research I do for fantasy books such as Wolves of The Beyond. They think it's fantasy, so anything goes. But I have to convince the reader that these are real wolves if I am going to dare him or her to plunge in and join their adventure. I h
Wolves Trailer
Kathryn Lasky visits with real wolves and talks about her research for Wolves of the Beyond

Researching Mermaids
So how do you go about researching something that simply does not exist –like mermaids? Well, you begin by reading a lot of supposedly real mermaid sightings by --to be kind-- total crackpots who have reported seeing mermaids. It seems that the aquatic creature that is most frequently reporte

Writing the Royal Diaries
Is it fun pretending to be a princess when you write the Royal Diaries?
I love doing research. It’s really fun. It’s like a treasure hunt.
In doing the research for Dreams in the Golden Country, what treasures did I uncover?
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