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Rereading my own book
Ashes is even scarier today
I know this might sound odd, but I have never in my life re-read a book I have written after it has been published. I really have no interest in doing so. When it’s done it’s done. But for the first time I have re-read a book. It is a novel published almost ten years ago set in Nazi Germany in 1932 and 1933. It is called Ashes because it was in that time period that the infamous Nazi book burnings began. I wanted to look up a fact. Well, I started reading the book and found it chilling…chilling because of the parallels that are happening in our own life today. I see so clearly where we have been lead and where it is bound to end up with this unfit, mentally incompetent, evil President Donald Trump. Although an entire generation of my Jewish cousins died in the camps, I selected to tell this story from the point of view of a thirteen year old gentile girl who grows increasingly horrified, as I am now.
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