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Research books really help
These are just a few of the almost one hundred books I consulted
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I know that writing sounds like a lonely task. But it really isn’t. I am surrounded by invisible helpers. I would be nowhere without my research. So I just want to give a big shout out to the nonfiction authors and photographers who help me piece together what it’s like to be a polar bear—their behavior, their physical attributes and the world they live in. The ice, the prey that sustain them, the environmental pressures they contend with. I can’t list all the authors and photgraphers but these are just a few of the almost one hundred books I consulted.
Polar Bear Obsession, Paul Nicklen
The World of the Polar Bear, Norbert Rosing
Polar Bears, A Complete Guide to Their Biology and Behavior, Text by Andrew Derocher and Photos by Wayne Lynch
Ice Bear, The Cultural History of an Arctic Icon by Michael Englehard
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