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Speaking of ‘The Woman Card’
The Russians knew better
Three years ago I read this obituary of Nadezhda Popova, a World War II Night Witch, in the New York Times. I became so fascinated by these young women pilots who were members of the only ever women’s aerial combat unit that I found myself plunging into research. These women pilots were instrumental in the defense of Stalingrad, then chased Nazi butt all the way back to Berlin. I decided to write an historical novel about it, Night Witches, that will be published spring 2017.
The women were part of the 588th Night Bombing Regiment of the Russian Army. There were many other women who served as well for allied forces during the Second World War. But the 588 in their little plywood and canvas aircraft was the only unit to remain entirely female.
So let’s reflect on how profoundly stupid remarks like the one Donald Trump recently made are about women.
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