BooksLiterary Work of Kathryn Lasky
The Coming of Hoole, Book 10
To keep him safe, Grank brings Hrath's heir, the chick named Hoole, to Beyond the Beyond, a strange land of fiery volcanoes in a barren, icy landscape.
A tale of chaos, betrayal and nachtmagen unfolds in the second of three ancient legends. It is no idle history, for hidden in its pages are truths about the great promise—and great danger—that lie just ahead for the Guardians. And so Soren, Coryn and the members of the Band read on. A grizzled collier will tend a young prince in exile. An owl who would be a monk will don battle claws. A mother who is also a queen will raise an army. And under the shower of embers in the shadow of the Sacred Volcanoes, a king will be born—or die.
Paperback: 224 Pages
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