BooksLiterary Work of Kathryn Lasky
The Rescue, Book 3
Soren must make sense of the mysterious disappearance of his mentor, Ezylryb. In this process, he must fight a ferocious foe who wears a terrifying metal beak, sharpened for battle.
Now that Soren has been reunited with his sister, Eglantine, he must face his next challenge: making sense of the mysterious disappearance of his mentor, Ezylryb. When Soren discovers that Ezylryb is in danger, he and his friends Gylfie, Twilight, and Digger devise a plan to save the beloved teacher. In this process, Soren must fight a ferocious foe who wears a terrifying metal beak, sharpened for battle. It is up to Soren to discover the shocking true identity of his horrific opponent.
Paperback: 208 Pages
"This is a spectacular story of bravery, loss, and especially friendship. It is a classic tale of good versus evil and yet Lasky still manages to fill the world with interesting ideas and concepts which make what would be an otherwise black and white world of right and wrong, a fabulous setting which is full of color, questions, and imagination. Highly recommended!!"
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