Teaching tools for Lone Wolf, Book 1

Engage your students!


  1. Why does Thunderheart choose the name “Faolan” for the little wolf pup? What does your name mean?
  2. Why do you think Thunderheart makes Faolan dig and fish with his splayed paw?
  3. Faolan has traits of both a bear and a wolf. Name some of these traits. Which animal would you rather be? Why?
  4. Faolan first learns about wolves from the pictures on the cave wall. What have you learned from looking at pictures of your ancestors?
  5. Wolf packs work together with each wolf playing a special role. Have you ever worked as a team to accomplish something? What were the roles of the team members?
  6. What do you think the spiral mark on Faolan’s splayed foot means?
  7. What similarities made Faolan and Gwynneth fast friends? Think of some of your friends. What similarities do you share?
  8. Why do you think Gwynneth insisted that Faolan join a wolf pack instead of staying with her? Do you think she was right to force him to go? Why or why not?
  9. Faolan is not sure if it is better to be a lonely wolf or a gnaw wolf at the bottom of the pack. What would you do if you were Faolan?
  10. Faolan is excited to show the wolf pack his hunting skills. Do you think they will see him differently? Why or why not?

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