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My new Georgia O’Keeffe mystery is coming July 2
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I'm so excited. This book finds Georgia in Taos at the home of Mabel Dodge Luhan with a cast of eccentrics that range from Wallis Simpson, soon to be the Duchess of Windsor, to Ansel Adams and a shocking murder on her hands of a beautiful Navajo potter.Why do I love writing these books? It’s pretty simple really. I love Georgia O’Keeffe. I love the 1930’s and I love New Mexico.
Perhaps the era was truly the prime motivator. My mother was a product of the 1930’s . She worked during the depression for an orphanage in Indiana. She drove around in, yes A Model A , like Georgia did in the desert searching for landscape, but my mother was picking up abandoned children. She was living through dangerous times. A time when women dared to do the unexpected.
Georgia was one of those women.
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