Mortal Radiance, A new Georgia O"Keeffe mystery

Painter and amateur sleuth Georgia O'Keeffe investigates a tragic death when she returns to Taos in the second of this twisty historical mystery set in the 1930s New Mexico,

Painter Georgia O'Keeffe is at her friend's Mabel Dodge Luhan's home Los Gallos, to attend the memorial service of the renowned writer D.H. Lawrence.

Georgia has been commissioned to design the stained-glass windows for the small memorial chapel in Lawrence's honor. But when she checks to see how the light comes through the glass, another much more horrible sight awaits her: beloved Navajo potter Flora Namingha is dead, her face smashed in with a stone . . .

When Georgia's lover Sheriff Ryan McCaffrey comes to town unannounced, things get more complicated, and Georgia suddenly finds herself in a complex tangle of revenge, international  espionage, Nazis and thugs that will require all her artistic sensibilities and amateur sleuthing skills to unravel!

A reader writes"The true genius of this book, in my opinion, is using the way Georgia O’Keeffe’s brain works – the way she sees patterns and forms – and using that skill to help her solve the crime. Lasky also almost makes the reader feel that if we were to look at the moon or a flower in just the right way, we too, could view the world as O’Keeffe did. Luckily, we all have her paintings to help us out. This is a charming and unexpected series."

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